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I hope we get to revisit it on a grander scale!

Actor, Martin Green, discusses his time on Pagelight's 'A Very Victorian Scandal':

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Having worked for Wigan Pier Theatre Company, using heritage interpretation within a Victorian museum context, the general social conditions and background to ‘A Very Victorian Scandal’ were familiar to me.

I was particularly interested in exploring the LGBT community within this period as this was something that my previous museum experience had not covered. It was not a surprise to learn about the negative attitude of the law to Victorian homosexuality and I enjoyed bringing the character of prosecuting lawyer, William Cobbett, to life.

I felt a particular responsibility in using verbatim dialogue and making it passionate and relevant to today.

It was interesting learning about the phrases that were used in this period, for example the insults of “catamites” and “Mary-Ann’s”. The character of Kitty particularly represents how times have changed and progressed, especially when we think about how fancy-dress and drag is now celebrated at events like Pride.

I thought the entire casting of the three pieces was perfect. Being part of a strong & talented team who cared intensely about portraying this historical event accurately will remain with me for some time to come. And, of course, I hope we get to revisit it on a grander scale!

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